The Panel with Paula Penfold and Thomas Pryor (Part 1)
Words like "explosive" are being used to describe the address to the US Congress by President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer. Michael Cohen has made his second appearance after making a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller who's investigating Mr Trumps ties with Russian businesses. Mr Cohen is facing a 3-year prison sentence after being caught out lying in his first Congressional hearing. Law professor Andrew Geddis compares the Congress hearing to a New Zealand select comittee and says if someone was found guilty of lying to them and handed a prison sentence we'd be stunned. Do you think Donald Trump is a contender for a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts with North Korea? The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has submitted a nomination for Trump. The propaganda machine to get the prize for Kim Jong Un has been in overdrive in North Korea according to western reporting. A plan to slash speed limits on hundreds of urban and rural roads in Auckland will cost ratepayers $24 million. It's a proposal that includes a blanket 30 km/hr speed limit in the CBD as well as widespread reductions elsewhere.Residents in the rural areas of Franklin and Rodney aren't happy. KiwiBuild's 10-year goal remains at 100,000 houses but so far, it's contracted just over a tenth of that. Figures released to RNZ reveal that so far 10,355 KiwiBuild properties have been confirmed within the 10-year target.How worried and disappointed should we be?