The Panel with Shane Te Pou and Verity Johnson (Part 1)
The Prime MinisterJacinda Ardern is due to meet the leaders of global tech giants including google, Facebook and twitter to eliminate terrorist and violent content online, in Paris. The summit has been dubbed the Christchurch Call and leaders present include, France's Emmanual Macron and Germany's Angela Merkel. Computer expert Alisatair Knot of the University of Otago explains what needs to happen in the technical field to prevent the spread of objectionable material on social media. The Government approved disputes scheme is where people that are wronged by a bank, insurer, or lender can go to have their disputes resolved. Only ten per cent of the complainants to the Banking Ombudsman were logged as Maori or Pasifika despite making up a fifth of the population. A lack of awareness of their rights is one aspect of this. Peter Cordtz of the Commission for Financial Literacy says many Maori and Pasifika people have specific perspective on money. Foodstuff's North Island supermarkets, Pak 'n' Save, New World and Four Square will be allowing customers to BYO containers for their seafood, bakery, deli, and butchery purchases. The company says it's a way to help cut-down on the use of plastics. Paul Dansted of New Zealand Food Safety talks about what they expect for food safety.