29 Jul 2019

The Panel with Alison Mau and Rodney Hide (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 29 July 2019

You: the National Party's bottom line. What on earth does that mean? Leader, Simon Bridges made the proclamation at his party's conference on the weekend. The question has been raised, just who are the party's potential coalition parties? National Party leader Simon Bridges announced the policy of forming a National Cancer Fund. This would see $50M a year go to Pharmac to fund proven cancer drugs. A Christchurch Prostate Cancer support co-orinator Peter Bousfield tells us what he thinks of the idea. It's no secret that seat-size has shrunk on planes over the years as airlines try to cram in as many passengers as they can. Now, aviation research company Landrum and Brown says it's going to get worse. Higher demand for air-travel, especially in Asia, is seeing Asia-based airlines cutting seat and leg space even more.