3 Oct 2019

The Panel with Penny Ashton and Scott Campbell (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:01 pm on 3 October 2019

Time to get rid of the dunger? The Government is considering paying people to scrap their old lemons in a bid to modernise the fleet. OIA documents released to the Newsroom website showed that the Government was investigating a voluntary car scrapping scheme. We speak to Matt Lowrie from Greater Auckland. The British High Comissioner Laura Clarke went to Gisborne yesterday to express regret for the violence that marked the arrival of James Cook and HMS Endeavour, 250 years ago, and the deaths of nine Maori. Gisborne iwi say that the expression of regret by the British Government for the harm caused opens a new chapter in their history. Earlier this week panellist Gary McCormick spoke passionately in the about how frustrated he has been that men around his age have been criticising and making hurtful comments about Great Thunberg. Today a story about a principal from a Christian private school in Australia, who labelled Greta Thunberg a "little girl with mental problems" in a newsletter to students and parents.