The Panel with Gary McCormick and Sue Kedgley, (Part 1)
Ireland took a beating in its Rugby World Cup game against the All Blacks, losing 46-14. As Liam Napier reported in The Guardian - Sympathy is rarely felt for a rival rugby nation yet it was impossible to suppress the pangs of exactly that emotion for Ireland. NZ First had their conference over the weekend and while there were no big announcements, a couple of things came out of it. One being to investigate the option of making all young people do 100 hours of community service, regardless of whether or not they have committed a crime. This might overturn some previously held assumptions. Social media has little to do with mental wellbeing. Dr Sam Stronge from Auckland University's School of Psychology has found that someone would have to spend vast amounts of time online - more than 29 hours at stretch - for it to cause distress.