The Panel with David Cormack and Michelle Boag (Part 2)
What's the most embarrassing thing one of your parents has done? You may remember earlier this year there was a story about a mother who was shocked to be told she couldn't breastfeed her son in the shallow end of a pool in Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre in Kilbirnie. Now Wellington City Council has confirmed that it will indeed ban mothers from breastfeeding babies in the pools. Moving the Port out of Auckland to near Whangarei and creating Northport would be a huge $10 billion plus infrastructure project. Cabinet Ministers now have a copy of the report urging the Goverment to move it up North, but no decisions have been made. A new DeepFake video has been made appearing to show British Prime Minister Boris Johnson endorsing his rival Jeremy Corbyn - the video showcasing how dangerous Deepfakes could be in political messaging. It's been called a threat to democracy. Millions of people flock to the Louvre Museum, often to see one thing: the Mona Lisa. But many leave the Leonardo da Vinci painting feeling underwhelmed - why? Well mainly because of those huge crowds. New York Times art critic Jason Farago says the masterpiece is a "security hazard, an educational obstacle and not even a satisfying bucket-list item."