16 Jun 2020

The Panel with Paula Penfold and Fete Taito (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 16 June 2020

Topics - The US Supreme Court has ruled that employers who fire workers for being gay or transgender are breaking the country's civil rights laws. Over the past few weeks there has been much talk about systemic racism in instutions such as the United States police force. Here in New Zealand, the Police Minister Stuart Nash has said that systemic racism is not a problem in New Zealand police - but there may be issues with unconscious bias. We chat to Jacqui Maguire, a registered clinical psycholgist. In our biggest cities many workers are pretty comfortable staying at home for the foreseaable future, or hoping to strike a balance between working from home and heading in to the city - but that's having an impact on CBD businesses. We speak to Kirk Hope, the chief executive Business New Zealand.