2 Dec 2011

The Week in Review - week ending Friday 2 December 2011

From The Week In Review, 6:00 pm on 2 December 2011

A review of the week's news including: post-election horse trading begins, the race is on for the Labour Party leadership, denial that conditions in the Huntly coal mine in mid-November resembled Pike River, Pyne Gould engineers who assured tenants their building was safe say they wouldn't do it any differently, New Zealand's economic outlook ever more grim, a Far North suspicious fire, one of a number, leads to the deaths of two men in a helicopter crash, Law Society says Canterbury courthouse closure takes regional justice system back to the dark days of February, claims the Rena salvors demanding guarantee of payment equal to 80 percent of value of cargo, South Island's West Coast place to be this summer and the lights of Franklin Road herald the coming of Christmas.