17 Jan 2014

The Week In Review week ending Jan17 2014

From The Week In Review, 6:00 pm on 17 January 2014

A review of the week's news, including... A Dunedin community in shock after two children were shot dead by a man who had no gun licence and protection orders against him, Kim Dotcom announces the name of his new political party, papers are filed in court taking a private prosecution against the Mayor of Auckland, the former MP who introduced the anti-smacking amendment bill in 2007 says she's appalled the Conservative Party leader has publicly admitted smacking his daughter, Fonterra doesn't yet know how dangerous the E. coli strain is detected in thousands of bottles of fresh cream, The ACC Minister Judith Collins says 19 million dollars spent on health and safety contracts is a rort, a discussion on the political year ahead with Associate Professor Raymond Miller and former Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer and New Zealand's highest peak, Aoraki Mount Cook, is now shorter.