This Way Up for Saturday 7 May 2011
Pasta: history and fresh vs dried
The history of pasta with Professor John Dickie of University College London, and we taste test a selection of penne pasta with Julie Clark of Floriditas.
Roadable aircraft- Terrafugia
The Terrafugia Transition is a 'roadable aircraft'; a car that flies or to put it another way a plane that can be driven on the road. Its inventor is Carl Dietrich.
Sneakers, trainers, sandshoes
We're kicking it with sneaker pimp Lee Gibson. Lee designs sneakers, trainers, kicks (delete as applicable) and we're looking at how their design has evolved over the years and what the trainers of the future might look like.
Kaimoana: Flounder
The flounder has four fillets, eats crabs and lives in muddy estuaries. With Rachel Taulelei.