This Way Up for Saturday 5 April 2014
Tech: Windows XP and Amazon TV
Amazon moves into TV and entertainment with a set-top box. Also, Microsoft's about to withdraw support for its Windows XP operating system. With Peter Griffin.
Underground history
We go underground with Nick Catford of Subterranea Britannica and Mike Lee of the Wrights Hill Fortress Restoration Society.
Naked Science
Naked Science with Dr Chris Smith. This week a whale sets a new deep sea diving record, and scientists produce a synthetic copy of brewer's yeast in the lab.
Teenagers' tech use
danah boyd's a technology researcher for Microsoft who looks at the way teenagers use technology in her book "It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens".
Bionic olympics
Professor Robert Riener from the University of Zurich is organising Cybathlon, a bionic olympics taking place in Switzerland in October 2016.