This Way Up for Saturday 17 May 2014
Vegetable protein
The market for protein, and specifically vegetable protein, is taking off. Matthew Boyle writes about the global food industry for Bloomberg News and Businessweek.
Sourdough - Part 1
Taming a few million bacteria with the aim of making tasty sourdough bread at home. Our guide is baker Neville Chun.
Naked Science
The latest science news with Dr Chris Smith. This week, how radio can interfere with migrating birds' navigation systems. Also evidence that some common chemicals found in things like toothpaste, soaps and sunscreen are making men less fertile.
Tech news
Peter Griffin on the potential death of anti-virus software, and how a decision by the European courts can help protect your online reputation.
Everest climbing
Following a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest last month, the climbing season's basically been cancelled. Ed Douglas has just been in Khumbu in Nepal, the centre of the climbing industry, to assess the impact of the accident on the region.
Shake-cancelling cutlery
Some clever shake-cancelling cutlery is good news for the up to 5 percent of the population who suffer from essential tremors. Anupam Pathak is the CEO of Lift Labs.