This Way Up for Saturday 7 November 2015
This Way Up Part 1 for Sat 7 November
Bioidentical hormones, Mexico vs Big Soda(Round 2) and the rise of podcasting.
Menopause: Part 5 - Bioidentical Hormones
Women take bioidentical hormones because they're supposedly a natural, safer, personalised alternative to conventional HRT. But are they really? Menopause specialist Dr Bev Lawton has a warning.
More on bioidenticals on from Nine to Noon, 'Natural' hormones hurting women.
Mexico's battle against Big Soda
Mexicans drink more fizzy drinks than anyone on the planet, 163 litres per person a year! We heard a few weeks back that the government there was considering watering down the tax on soft drinks that it imposed back in 2014. Well there's been a new development. Surprisingly, given the political clout wielded by the soft drinks industry, the reduction to the tax has been rejected by Mexico's Senate. Tina Rosenberg has been covering Mexico's battle with Big Soda for The New York Times and The Guardian.
The rise of podcasting
Technology correspondent Peter Griffin on the rise of podcasting. So why is this form of audio storytelling surging in popularity?
This Way Up Part 2 Sat 7 November
Developing an allergy free peanut, a 9000 year history of corn and the NZ Pipit.
Developing an allergy free peanut
Chloe Gui of Aranex Biotech is on a quest to create an allergy-free peanut. With food allergy rates rising around the developed world, an Irish startup's trying to use new gene editing technology to remove the proteins that make people sick.
A 9000 year history of corn
Anthropologist Michael Blake charts the 9000 year story of corn in his book 'Maize For The Gods' (University of California Press). From its earliest days in ancient Mexico and Mesoamerica to the feedlots, biofuels and canned creamed corn of today, how corn has become the world's most productive crop.
Birds The NZ Pipit Pihoihoi
We hop on our bike with Hugh Robertson and go hunting for the Pihoihoi, the New Zealand Pipit (Anthus Novaeseelandiae).