Navigation for The Backyard Bee Team
Honey Harvest
Frank Lindsay's a commercial beekeeper and the bloke who gave me my original queen. Now Frank's in the middle of harvesting his honey, so I drop in to see how it's done.
Frank's backyard beehive.
Two boxes of honey
Bee excluder - lets them out and not back in.
Mesh used for propolis collection - bees fill up gaps in a hive.
Boxes of honey in the honey plant.
Frank at work - honey extractor in background.
The honey extractor - Australian made.
Feeding the frames from the boxes into the capper.
Steam heated knives cut the wax cappings off the comb.
Capping knives remove the wax that seals the honey in.
Out the frames come ready for spinning.
Loading up the centrifuge.
The centrifuge takes 60 frames a load.
Runny honey comes out of the unti, is warmed up and filtered.
The honey filtering into the barrel
Thousands of dollars worth of manuka honey.
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