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Recent items from This Way Up
Disposable batteries - which ones are best?
12:25 PM.Disposable batteries - heavy duty, alkaline or lithium? Which ones are best for you and the environment? With George Block of Read more Audio
NZ skin cancer: what role does where you live play?
12:15 PM.The first comprehensive genetic analysis of melanoma in New Zealand has shown that that where you live could be critical to your chances of getting skin cancer, and how it can be treated. Aniruddha… Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 1 of Saturday 14 May 2016
12:01 PM.NZ skin cancer, disposable batteries, how silver nanoparticles can fight tooth decay, and scratching studies. Audio
Formaldehyde - facts and fears
1:45 PM.Toxicologist Ian Shaw's been weighing up the latest evidence about the dangers of formaldehyde, and how to minimise your exposure. Read more Audio
Tech: Dick Smith, cyber security and VR harassment
1:35 PM.Technology correspondent Peter Griffin on the rebirth of the Dick Smith brand online. Also New Zealand reveals a $22 million plan to beef up the country's cybersecurity presence, and fears that… Read more Audio
Further Future
1:15 PM.San Francisco technology reporter Nellie Bowles irecently ventured into the Nevada desert for the Further Future festival. Read more Video, Audio, Gallery
Part Two
1:01 PM.Further Future festival, tech (Dick Smith rebirth, cyber security and VR harassment) and formaldehyde. Audio
Birdstrike prevention
12:45 PM.Dr John Swaddle has developed a system of carefully targeted noises to disrupt birds' communications, making them feel like they're always in danger. Read more Audio
Touch Tour
12:30 PM.At a recent concert in Wellington, Chamber Music New Zealand hosted a Touch Tour. It's an opportunity for audience members who are blind or have low vision to get close to the instruments and to hear… Read more Audio, Gallery
Is social media ruining outdoor adventuring?
12:15 PM.Devon O'Neill of Outside magazine has been exploring some of the tensions in the outdoor community between old school adventurers, and a new breed of more tech savvy explorer. Read more Audio
Part One
12:01 PM.Is social media ruining outdoor adventuring? Keeping birds at bay using sound and a touch tour for blind music lovers. Audio
Science: new contraceptives and genes that make you look older
1:50 PM.Dr Chris Smith of The Naked Scientists. This week, a new contraceptive and fertility treatment in one. And a gene that adds to years to your appearance has been documented by scientists studying… Read more Audio
Tech: chatbots, PledgeMe, and Spark's Lightbox offer
1:35 PM.Technology correspondent Peter Griffin on the rise of the 'chatbots'; also the local crowdfunding platform PledgeMe moves into peer-to-peer lending. And in the latest development in the complex and… Read more Audio
Drone buyer's guide
1:15 PM.George Block of has been testing drones. So what are the best models on the market, and what regulations do you need to comply with if you want to fly one here in New Zealand? Read more Audio
This Way Up for 30 April 2016, Part 2
1:01 PM.Drone buyer's guide; tech news: chatbots, PledgeMe, and Spark's Lightbox offer; and science: new contraceptives and genes that make you look older. Audio
Gene-edited foods
12:50 PM.The US Department of Agriculture has just opened the way for the first food to be produced using the gene editing technology CRISPR-Cas9. Meanwhile, gene editing is leaving the lab with a growing band… Read more Audio
IQ tests: what can they tell us?
12:30 PM.Stuart Ritchie is a postdoctoral fellow in cognitive ageing at the University of Edinburgh who calls IQ tests "...some of the most reliable and valid instruments in all of psychological science". He's… Read more Audio
'Mechanical doping' in cycling
12:15 PM.The sport of pro cycling is facing another threat to its credibility, with revelations the some riders are using tiny motors inside their bike frames to give them an edge over their purely… Read more Audio
This Way Up for 30 April 2016, Part 1
12:01 PM.'Mechanical doping' in cycling, gene-edited foods, and IQ tests: what can they tell us? Audio
Birds: Weka
1:45 PM.Hugh Robertson is one of the authors of The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand. We recently hopped on a boat to Kapiti Island with him on the hunt for the curious weka; it looks a bit like a… Read more Audio
The science of us
1:15 PM.Our genes are increasingly viewed as dynamic; shifting and interacting in a myriad of strange and sometimes random ways. They can contribute not just to our physical traits but also our risk of… Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 2
1:01 PM.The science of us: how genes work. Also, the weka. Audio
Tech: Magic Leap, augmented reality
12:50 PM.Peter Griffin with tech news and the Australian government spends up to establish a specialist cybercrime unit. Also an intriguing You Tube video and a big feature in Wired means that augmented/mixed… Read more Audio
Communal living arrangements
12:35 PM.The changing dynamics of property prices, home ownership and a more mobile workforce mean that more people are sharing living spaces, and doing so for longer. All this is leading to opportunities for… Read more Audio, Gallery
First night sleep problems and testosterone
12:25 PM.Why do we always seem to sleep badly the first night we stay in a new place? Dr Chris Smith reports on a new study suggesting that we keep half of our brain on alert to guard for danger the first time… Read more Audio