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Recent items from This Way Up
Fear of Flying
12:15 PM.Grant Amos is a psychologist who has been running courses to combat people's fear of flying across New Zealand for the past 30 years. We join him for a course, meet the participants and go on a trial… Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 1
12:01 PM.Fear of flying Audio
Fighting TB
1:55 PM.Dean Crick of Colorado State University is trying to find better ways to treat the bacterial disease tuberculosis. Audio
Data visualisation
1:25 PM.Data visualiser Wesley Grubbs of the Pitch Interactive studio in California brings a structure and a story to data and statistics. Read more Audio
Tech News: 'Netflix tax' and email tracking
1:10 PM.Technology correspondent Peter Griffin's on how your emails are tracking you. Plus the 'Netflix tax' on digital purchases like ebooks and music is coming to New Zealand. Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 2
1:01 PM.Email tracking, taxing digital purchases, data visualisation and fighting TB. Audio
Animal's sense of direction
12:55 PM.Dr Chris Smith of The Naked Scientists on a discovery in China that could show how animals navigate using the Earth's magnetic fields. Audio
Derek Andrews: high-altitude garbologist
12:15 PM.Derek Andrews lives in New Plymouth and climbing nearby Mount Taranaki (altitude: 2,518 metres) is his pastime. So far, he's been up the mountain nearly 700 times collecting rubbish and making sure… Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 1
12:01 PM.Mount Taranaki rubbish collector and animal sense of direction. Audio
1:50 PM.Elizabeth Iorns is bringing academic researchers and hi tech lab equipment and facilities together on the online marketplace, Read more Audio
Stronger superbugs and Earth's oldest water
1:35 PM.Dr Chris Smith with science news. How antibiotic resistant superbugs like MRSA get stronger when you treat them with the wrong drugs. Audio
The Gluten Lie
1:10 PM.Alan Levinovitz looks at the history of food myths and food scares in his book 'The Gluten Lie' (Nero Books). Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 2
1:01 PM.A history of food scares, stronger superbugs, where the Earth's water comes from, and Audio
Protecting India's traditional medicine
12:45 PM.Nicola Twilley's been having a play with Google's Smart Reply, a predictive email response system driven by AI. And drug companies patenting traditional medicines and how India is fighting back. Read more Audio
Underwater animal noise
12:30 PM.Chris Clark is the director of the Bioacoustics Research Program at Cornell University. For decades he's been studying the mysterious underwater sounds emanating from the world's seas and oceans. Audio
Tech news
12:15 PM.Technology news with Peter Griffin. YouTube and Facebook launch new apps for your smartphone as the battle heats up for your ears and eyes. Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 1
12:01 PM.Tech news, bioacoustics and undersea noise, and protecting India's traditional medicines from big drug companies. Audio
Birds The NZ Pipit Pihoihoi
1:45 PM.We hop on our bike with Hugh Robertson and go hunting for the Pihoihoi, the New Zealand Pipit (Anthus Novaeseelandiae). Read more Audio
A 9000 year history of corn
1:25 PM.Anthropologist Michael Blake charts the 9000 year story of corn in his book 'Maize For The Gods' (University of California Press). Read more Audio
Developing an allergy free peanut
1:15 PM.Chloe Gui of Aranex Biotech is breeding an allergy-free peanut using new gene editing technology. Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 2 Sat 7 November
1:01 PM.Developing an allergy free peanut, a 9000 year history of corn and the NZ Pipit. Audio
The rise of podcasting
12:45 PM.Technology correspondent Peter Griffin on the rise of podcasting. So why is this form of audio storytelling surging in popularity? Read more Audio
Mexico's battle against Big Soda
12:30 PM.A reduction to Mexico's soda tax has surpisingly been rejected by Mexico's Senate. Tina Rosenberg has been covering Mexico's battle with Big Soda for The New York Times and The Guardian. Read more Audio
Menopause: Part 5 - Bioidentical Hormones
12:15 PM.Women take bioidentical hormones because they're supposedly a natural, safer, personalised alternative to conventional HRT. But are they really? Menopause specialist Dr Bev Lawton has a warning. Read more Audio
This Way Up Part 1 for Sat 7 November
12:01 PM.Bioidentical hormones, Mexico vs Big Soda(Round 2) and the rise of podcasting. Audio