6 Feb 2021

Waitangi 2021: Ta Tipene O'Regan

From Waitangi Day, 10:25 am on 6 February 2021
Iwi leader Sir Tipene O'Regan

Iwi leader Sir Tipene O'Regan Photo: Supplied

Every year, Ngai Tahu commemorates the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in its takiwa at one of three locations - Otakou Marae on the Otakou Peninsula, Onuku Marae in Akaroa, and Te Rau Aroha Marae at Awarua in Bluff. This year Ngai Tahu has gathered at Awarua, in Bluff, 15 kilometres southeast of Ruapuke Island, where southern chiefs signed Te Tiriti.

Ta Tipene O'Regan is the Upoko, or Traditional Head of Awarua Runanga. He was also the Chief Negotiator for the Ngai Tahu claim, and is credited as being one of the key architects of the Treaty of Waitangi Settlements process. He spoke with Julian Wilcox.