4 May 2016

Nelson could allow re-introduction of woodburners

3:50 pm on 4 May 2016

Nelson is re-thinking rules around woodburners in homes, after a public backlash since they were banned.

The council received 108 submissions to a plan change aimed at allowing up to 1600 ultra low emission burners in some homes.

The hearing is underway at the Nelson Bridge Club.

In 2003 open fires were banned and tough rules around woodburners were introduced as the Nelson City Council struggled to comply with national air quality standards.

The majority of the submissions to the plan change support it - with some amendments, while opponents are concerned that air quality standards will slip.

The Nelson Environment Centre said Nelson's air quality challenges were complex, but the proposed plan change was a good example of where a precautionary approach should be applied.

In 2012 Nelson was recognised by the Government's Green Ribbon Awards system for the work it had done to improve air quality.