17 May 2013

Whanau Ora gets financial boost

12:05 am on 17 May 2013

Whanau Ora Minister Tariana Turia says this year's Budget is addressing challenges of poverty, with the Government making a commitment to obstacles such as reducing rheumatic fever and insulating homes.

The social welfare policy, Whanau Ora, has received an increase of $56.4 million in the Budget.

This year $44.7 million has been set aside, from $39.06 million last year.

However, there was an underspend of $10.18 million.

Waahi Whanui Trust - which delivers Whanau Ora services in Waikato - is welcoming the extra money.

But its chief executive Hori Awa thinks the policy now needs to incorporate parallel initiatives already run by other ministries.

He says a number of initiatives under the Ministry of Social Development are Whanau Ora concepts.

He says it would make the lives of families easier if those schemes were integrated into Whanau Ora.

Waahi Whanui Trust is part of the Waikato-Tainui Whanau Ora collective.