Fonterra executives admit they need to listen more to rebuild the public's trust in the company.
The dairy giant outlined its international marketing strategy to 800 farmers at a DairyNZ farmers' forum near Hamilton today.
Fonterra ceo Theo Spierings Photo: RNZ / Diego Opatowski
The company said it's using social media to target young global consumers with different nutritional needs.
Farmers at the Mystery Creek Events Centre welcomed the strategy, but told Fonterra it's losing the image battle at home because of perceptions it's arrogant and not listening.
The co-operative's chief operating officer Jacqueline Chow said she often hears similar feedback but the company was working to turn that around.
"We are trying to listen more, front the issues, declare when we make mistakes and I think that's the only way.
"I think it's just rebuilding trust and doing it together."
It was also important to be humble and deliver on promises, she said.