26 Nov 2011

Party leaders cast ballots

1:43 pm on 26 November 2011

Leaders of the main political parties have cast their votes in the 2011 general election and referendum.

National Party leader John Key used a ballot box at St Stephens School in the Epsom electorate where he lives late on Saturday morning.


He told reporters his emotions were similar to those on election day 2008.

"It's always a mixture of excitement, anticipation and slight nervousness but I don't think you'd be human if you didn't have that," he said.

Labour Party leader Phil Goff cast his vote in his Mt Roskill electorate.

Mr Goff arrived to vote at Wesley Intermediate School with his wife about 15 minutes after polls opened at 9am.

He told reporters he is feeling really good and it is over to the voters now.


Mr Goff left the polling station bound for the local community Santa parade and says he intended to head home for a quiet afternoon with his family.

ACT Party leader Don Brash cast his vote at St David's Presbyterian Church Hall in Parnell just after 10am.

He told reporters he is feeling pretty confident and intends to keep a low profile until Saturday night.

Dr Brash says he will also be meeting with ACT's Epsom candidate John Banks later in the day.

Polling booths are open until 7pm.