Despite registering the party's worst election result under MMP, Labour increased its share of the party and electorate votes in the South Auckland seats of Mangere, Manukau East and Manurewa.
The Labour Party pulled out all the stops to get 30,000 voters who didn't turn out in South Auckland in 2008 back to the ballot box.
There was still a lower overall voter turnout, but Labour's Auckland regional chairman Greg Presland says the campaign was a success.
"We actually had a good swing towards us in the three major south Auckland seats which was very pleasing.
"Its probably the only seats in the country were it happened."
Manukau East MP Ross Robertson held the seat with an increased majority of more than 13,000.
He says policies like no tax on the first $5000, no GST on fresh fruit and veges and a rise in the minimum wage to $15 wage brought voters back into the Labour fold.
The MP for Mangere, Su'a William Sio, who almost doubled his majority, says he's bracing himself for three more years of uphill battles for early childhood education, jobs and welfare protection for south Auckland's communities.
He says the lower voter turnout across south Auckland, and indeed the rest of the country calls for some serious soul-searching and Labour especially needs to look at what will inspire young Maori and Pacific voters.
In Manurewa, Labour's Louisa Wall won the seat with a majority of more than 7000.