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Thousands turn out to protest TPP
Thousands of people around the country have protested against the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.
The crowd with anti-corporation slogans and signs in Wellington.
TPP protesters show off their signs.
Arms up umbrellas up and chanting in the rain in Auckland.
Guards and police move in to block protesters getting into the Beehive.
A protest sign left at the site of the Wellington anti-TPP rally.
In Wellington It's Our Future spokesperson Edward Miller says today's message for the Government is to walk away from the TPP.
Protesters march in Dunedin against the TPP.
Midland Park in Wellington.
More than 1000 protesters march up Riccarton Road in Christchurch.
Protesters in Dunedin.
The Auckland crowd poised to march.
Protestors making their way down Auckland's Queen St.
Protestors making their way up Riccarton Road in Christchurch.
TPP protesters at Hagley Park in Christchurch.
TPP protestors take to Parliament.
Some protesters stayed behind to dance in the middle of Auckland's Customs Street.
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