Pacific Island leaders in Auckland are urging their community to unite and support Mayor-elect Len Brown and the two Pacific Islanders on the new super city council.
Cook Island community leader, Nama Prasad, says it will be very hard for Pacific voices to be heard unless the community mobilises as it did in the election.
She says that while Mr Brown recognises the needs of Pacific people he has only one vote out of 21 and Alf Filipaina and Anae Arthur Anae may be drowned out by their colleagues.
Tongan Advisory Council chairman Melino Maka says the community must be strategic and lobby hard.
Waitakere Pacific Board member Sailauama Cheryl Talamaivao, says community boards must also listen to what grass roots people want.
She says she will work with the churches in West Auckland to get the message out.
Former Shortland Street director Popo Lilo says the community will exercise its power at the next election if the council does not listen.
The New Auckland Council comes into being on 1 November.