17 Oct 2013

Mine critic says community was rolled

8:04 am on 17 October 2013

A leading critic of the new open cast mine at Mangatangi in Waikato says the granting of resource consents is an example of a heavyweight company rolling the opposition in the community.

The Waikato regional and district councils on Wednesday issued the consents for a mine to a Fonterra subsidiary, Glencoal Energy Limited, subject to environmental and health conditions.

Its decision acknowledged local opposition to the mine, but found any adverse effects would be minor given the conditions imposed.

Chair of the Mangatangi Marae Warahi Paki says the final decision is disappointing and comes down to the fact Fonterra is a big firm, with lots of money.

He says Glencoal has not listened to the pleas of the community.

But, in a statement, Fonterra says it is committed to continuing discussions with locals.

After the mining is finished, most of the land will be returned to pastoral farming. A 13 hectare lake will also be created

The Green Party though, says it will undermine the clean, green image Fonterra relies on for its exports.