There is hope a pod of pilot whales, which has been repeatedly stranding at Farewell Spit, has made its way safely to deeper water.
A beach search by rangers from the Department of Conservation and Project Jonah members on Tuesday morning found no sign of the 45 whales, which were re-floated off Puponga on Monday.
Exhaustion and concern has given way to feelings of genuine optimism amongst dozens of volunteers who had remained in Golden Bay overnight.
Project Jonah staff had warned them a further re-strand was likely so today's news has been a welcome surprise.
DoC's Takaka conservation services manager John Mason says he's hopeful the fact they can't see the pod, means the whales have made their way into deeper water and to relative safety.
But he is asking people to keep an eye out for them, and to contact DoC if they are spotted.
On Monday morning, 46 whales were re-floated with the help of more than 100 volunteers after they repeatedly re-stranded since Saturday morning; one was found dead on Tuesday morning.