Internet businessman Kim Dotcom will have to wait until at least tomorrow to find out if he will have to return to prison, after a bail hearing was adjourned.
Kim Dotcom in the Auckland District Court. Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson
The Crown is attempting to revoke Mr Dotcom's bail, claiming he breached his conditions in 2012.
The bail hearing at the Auckland District Court, before Judge Nevin Dawson, had still not finished when it ended for the day after 5pm. It will resume at 11.45am tomorrow.
Court rules prevent Radio New Zealand News reporting why the Crown believes bail was breached, or any other details of the all-day hearing.
Earlier, Judge Dawson closed the courtroom to the public and members of the media for a hearing in chambers to discuss how Mr Dotcom should be cross-examined.
At a preliminary hearing last week, Judge Dawson imposed strict new bail conditions, which remain in place.
Mr Dotcom may not travel more than 80km from his Coatesville home and is not allowed to travel by helicopter, boat or any other form of sea transport.