We asked our Twitter followers @radionz to descibe cricket in 140 characters or less. Here is a selection.
@radionz missile is hurled at you at high speed, you must hit it with a piece of wood to protect other pieces of wood, then run back & forth
— Dovil (@Dovil) March 24, 2015
@radionz ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz <yawn> ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz <snore> ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
— Julian Melville (@jmelville) March 24, 2015
@radionz 1 ball, 2 batsmen, 3 wickets (each end), 4 runs when you hit the boundary, 5-day games best avoided, 6-ball overs & 2 teams of 11
— Sonia Yoshioka Braid (@eloquentsonia) March 24, 2015
@radionz … mix together in a cauldron where silly mid-off faces silly mid-on, add a dash of Duckworth-Lewis & watch confusion reign! #CWC15
— Sonia Yoshioka Braid (@eloquentsonia) March 24, 2015
@radionz Armoured bat wielders score points by deflecting incoming missiles around the park while spectators steadily stress out about maths
— Alex Coleman (@ShakingStick) March 24, 2015
@radionz There's birth. There's death. And in between is cricket.
— Christian Mair (@LuchaLounge) March 24, 2015
@radionz Every good game a novel; every over a short story; every ball another gripping story development.
— Ben Allan (@In_Increments) March 24, 2015
. @radionz Cricket: a sport I have no interest in until we are only a few runs away from winning a major game, at which point I become a fan
— Elizabeth S (@irihapeta) March 25, 2015
@radionz not invented by, or originally intended for, people with day jobs.
— Seǝn Gillespie (@SeanDG) March 25, 2015
@radionz No No No Yes No No / Yes Yes No No Yes Yes / No No No Yes Yes No / No Yes Yes No No No / Yes Yes No No No No / No No Yes No Yes No.
— Philip Matthews (@secondzeit) March 25, 2015
@radionz Golf is a walk spoiled. Cricket is two people spoiling a jog at the same time. While people throw balls at them.
— hamish mack (@HamishMack) March 25, 2015
One person was confused, or possibly not, about the topic under discussion.
@radionz Oh, how topical! Here goes: appealingly shiny black insect, bleeps all bleeping night long at this bleeping time of year. #cricket
— Jolisa Gracewood (@nzdodo) March 25, 2015
Another referred to the game as descibed in the Douglas Adams book The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
@radionz the most horrific wars ever to sunder the Universe transformed into an incomprehensibly dull and pointless game #HitchhikersGuide
— Citizen Sam (@scythicus) March 25, 2015
We'll leave the final word to this sage.
@radionz If you could explain it in 140 characters it wouldn't be cricket.
— Vernon Small (@VernonSmall) March 25, 2015