The charity World Vision says New Zealanders have now donated more than $1 million to its Nepal Earthquake Appeal, but, after the latest strong aftershock, more is needed.
Tuesday's earthquake has triggered landslides and brought down more buildings. At least 76 people have died in the magnitude 7.3 quake.
People flee into the streets after a magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Nepal as the country recovers from last month's devastating earthquake. Photo: AFP
World Vision New Zealand's chief executive Chris Clarke said the aftershock will have traumatised survivors, who were just starting to settle after the big shake two and a half weeks ago
"The old world has gone for them," he said.
"Their homes have been shattered, they're living outside, but they were getting to the point where they were starting to calm their children down, some of them were starting to sleep, and all those kinds of things.
"You get almost two disasters: you get a physical disaster, in terms of damage to buildings and to people's lives, and then there's an emotional disaster, in terms of the trauma."