30 May 2016

This is worth rubbernecking at...

12:55 pm on 30 May 2016
Zuri prepares for the trip to Wellington.

Zuri prepares for the trip to Wellington. Photo: Supplied: Auckland Zoo

The sight of a giraffe peering out the back of a truck could surprise people on the road between Auckland and Wellington today.

It is Auckland Zoo's second giraffe transfer in a matter of months, but it will be the longest road trip that has been undertaken.

The giraffe, Zuri, will be united with her grandmother Tisa and aunt Zahara at Wellington Zoo.

She and her crate had to be lifted onto the truck by crane.

Auckland Zoo animal science manager Simon Eyre said Zuri had to be moved before she is fully grown otherwise she would be too big to transport.

Zuri will arrive in Wellington late tonight and be settled into her new enclosure tomorrow.

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