14 Jan 2017

Bombs away: Waikato council steps up pool rules

3:58 pm on 14 January 2017

The Waikato District Council has banned dive bombing at its pools, due to safety concerns.

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Photo: 123rf.com

The ban was put in place at the council's three pools on 22 December, after a child was injured from bombing into the Ngaruawahia Swimming Pool.

The council said the ban had not caused a drop in the number of swimmers, and there had been no negative feedback.

A council spokesman, Tim Harty, said the decision was based on safety, as its pools had a maximum depth of 1.5m.

Mr Hart said other pools around the country were between 1.8m and 2m deep, which allowed bombing to occur safely.

"We didn't want to get to a point where a serious injury occurred before taking action.

"It is not uncommon for bombing to be banned at community pools with similar depths to Waikato's so we are aligning with other facilities in the country," Mr Harty said.

The council operates three pools; Ngaruawahia Swimming Pool, Genesis Energy Huntly Aquatic Centre and Tuakau's Centennial Pool.