Forest and Bird have welcomed applications for small tour groups to view marine mammals around the Otago Harbour and peninsula.
Three applications have been lodged with the Department of Conservation (DOC) to view marine mammals around the Otago Harbour or peninsula in the past two months.
If the permits are granted, it could mean up to 1000 new trips in the area each year.
Forest and Bird marine advocate Anton van Helden said the "small footprint type" tours could help to educate tourists about wildlife and conservation.
"This recent number of small scale tourism operations is in some sense a good thing.
"It shows that the regulatory processes are in place and that the operators and the Department of Conservation are working together to ensure they in fact minimise the impact on these animals.
"This shows good tourism practice in operation."
DOC operations manager Annie Wallace said tourism operators played a role in providing educational information to visitors, including what threats they faced and what could be done to help different species.
"They're made aware of what good behaviour is and we expect them to share this with other harbour users.
"They also help to keep an eye out for any wildlife that may need DOC's help or attention."
The conditions of permits to view marine mammals were designed to minimise the impact on wildlife, she said.
"The permits specify how far away from the animals vessels need to keep, the amount of time spent near marine mammals and the total number of tours that can take place.
"All permitted operators need to meet these and other agreed conditions."