27 Dec 2018

ACC figures show steady decline on claims compared with last year

8:30 pm on 27 December 2018

Those hitting the beach or spending a bit of time in the garden this summer can take heart at the latest injury statistics.

Summer in Wellington

There has been a 12 percent drop in reported injuries at the beach in 2018 compared with 2015. Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

Figures released to RNZ by the Accident Compensation Corporation showed a steady decline in the number making claims.

Falls still accounted for the greatest number of injuries, with 40,064 reported up until 19 December. That was down by 473 on the previous year.

Lifting or carrying was the second most dangerous activity in the garden, though 1268 fewer people injured themselves so far this year compared with 2017.

There was also a 40 percent drop in those suffering sun stroke or hypothermia.

Things were looking just as rosy at the beach where 12 percent less had fallen over and hurt themselves compared with three years ago.

Over the same period there had also been 10 percent drop in the number struck by a person or animal at the beach.

Whether the numbers represented a more safety conscious nation was questionable however.

Ministry of Health data released this year showed half of New Zealanders were not active enough, suggesting the fall in those injuring themselves at the beach or in the garden could just as easily be the result of people spending less time in the outdoors and more time in front of the television.

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