6 Feb 2019

Watch: Navy Band performs at Waitangi

11:34 am on 6 February 2019

Video: The Royal NZ Navy Band has performed at the treaty grounds for Waitangi Day. Watch the performance:

The performance at the tent at Waitangi began about 11am.

The band was temporarily stopped from performing part way through as it was disrupting a church service taking place on the marae.

It follows a dawn ceremony this morning attended by more than 1000 people, and a barbecue breakfast for the public laid on by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and other politicians for the second year in a row.

Read more about this year's Waitangi Day commemorations:

  • Waitangi dawn ceremony draws more than 1000
  • Waitangi Day celebrations spread to Queenstown for first time
  • Slates with first written te reo Māori get UNESCO heritage recognition
  • Waitangi Treaty: Letters shed light on Māori plight for sovereignty
  • Pōwhiri as Jacinda Ardern speaks from Waitangi
  • Get the RNZ app

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