Dame Susan Devoy takes shot at Tauranga mayoralty

12:30 pm on 11 May 2019

Dame Susan Devoy has confirmed she will run for mayor in Tauranga.

Holocaust Remembrance Day held at Makara Cemetery in Wellington. Dame Susan Devoy was a guest speaker. Raising growing concerns around the influx of hate speech online.

Former squash champion Dame Susan Devoy plans to stand for mayor in Tauranga. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

The former squash champion and former race relations commissioner said she had been approached by leaders and ratepayers in the city, who urged her to stand.

As a long-term resident of Tauranga, she was acutely aware of the issues and opportunities facing the city, she said.

Change was needed, Dame Susan said.

She will have an official launch and give more details about her plans for the city in coming months.

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