Work is underway to make one of Auckland's busiest cycleway road crossings safer.
Improved lighting and cycle phasing at controlled crossings are among initiatives to improve cyclists' safety in the St Lukes area. Photo: 123RF
The Transport Agency is constructing raised crossings for both pedestrians and cyclists on the St Lukes Road bridge over State Highway 16.
The crossings will slow down traffic and improve safety, especially for people crossing the motorway on and off ramps.
Both Auckland Transport and Bike Auckland have been involved in their design.
Other safety improvements include a Copenhagen-style raised bike lane southbound from the bridge to the Duncan Maclean Link and a raised table crossing where the bike lane crosses Duncan Maclean Link, the Transport Agency's Andrew Thackwray said.
There will be cycle phasing at the controlled crossings, improved lighting and the traffic island by the westbound motorway off-ramp will be extended.
These safety improvements will allow the eastern lane of the St Lukes overbridge, closed two years ago due to safety concerns, to be reopened to cars.
The work is expected to take six weeks at a cost of $1.5 million.
Some temporary road closures will be required and there will be dedicated traffic controllers to help cyclists navigate the road works.