Emergency Management Southland has activated free telephone and online contacts to ensure Southlanders get the support they need during the Covid-19 lockdown.
They are also developing a plan around deliveries of household goods. Photo: 123rf
The Southland Emergency Coordination Centre has been preparing for increased welfare needs and, as of 7am, activated its emergency contacts.
Group Controller Angus McKay said people should get in contact if they urgently needed assistance with access to essential household goods and services during the lockdown.
People could contact the centre by the following means:
- Phone: 0800 890 127
- Email: covid19@cdsouthland.nz
- Web: www.cdsouthland.nz
The email and 0800 number would be operated between 7am and 7pm, seven days a week, McKay said.
People needed to heed the call to isolate and Emergency Management Southland (EMS) would provide assistance where needed.
- If you have symptoms of the coronavirus, call the NZ Covid-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453 (+64 9 358 5453 for international SIMs) or call your GP - don't show up at a medical centre
"This will save lives. You must stay home," McKay said.
They were was developing a plan for the delivery of household good and services around the region, he said.
EMS welfare staff had been been checking in with communities around the region to get a handle on peoples' needs, and identifying any gaps.
"We're hearing that local networks are doing a great job giving each other support needed, but it's paramount that no-one's needs are overlooked during this hugely challenging time," McKay said.
A lot of planning had gone into getting the centre operational, with strict protocols around physical distancing, and efforts to have staff work remotely where possible, he said.