There have been no new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand, for the 22nd day in a row.
Photo: AFP
The number of confirmed cases remains at 1154 and the combined total of confirmed and probable cases is still 1504.
Laboratories carried out 2978 tests yesterday. There have now been a total of 307,810 tests carried out in New Zealand.
The last day that New Zealand reported an active case of Covid-19 was on 22 May.
An extra 2000 people have signed up to the Covid Tracer app in the past 24 hours, with more than half a million now registered.
The Ministry of Health is encouraging as many people as possible to download and use the app to support contact tracing efforts during alert Level one.
Businesses have created 47,500 posters and more than 900,000 scans have been recorded.
The ministry said email addresses are available for feedback and for businesses or organisations wanting QR codes.
Read more about the Covid-19 coronavirus:
- See all RNZ Covid-19 news
- Covid-19 symptoms: What they are and how they make you feel
- Touching your Face: Why do we do it and how to stop
- Scientific hand-washing advice to avoid infection
- Your Covid-19 questions answered - from health and employment to managing anxiety
- A timeline: How the coronavirus started, spread and stalled life in New Zealand
- Coronavirus: A glossary of terms