A board member who resigned in protest has been elected as the new leader of the Nurses' Organisation.
Anne Daniels received 2385 votes to be president, more than twice as many as her closest rival.
She and two other board members, Katrina Hopkinson and Sela Ikavuka, quit last April, following the resignation of then- president Grant Brookes.
In a statement at the time, they said to remain would be condoning behaviour they knew did not meet members' standards.
Daniels said she believes the union has gone through an immense change since then, as shown by the fact its current negotiations for contracts are member-led.
In a victory announcement on her campaign FaceBook page she said the election was the first step in changing the union "to be member-led and member-focused".
"From now on it must be a team effort, no them and us - transparency and accountability all the way," she said.