Southland duck hunters urged to take care this weekend in view of the wetlands fire south of Invercargill
Hunters will be marking out their maimais this weekend Photo: Fish and Game
Fire and Emergency said anyone planning to mark up their maimai around Awarua Bay and Waituna Lagoon ahead of the upcoming duck shooting season should be extra-vigilant.
The Awarua fire has burnt through more than 13-hundred hectares since last Saturday, and six crews are working on it over the weekend - with showers and light winds forecast.
The surrounding area is closed to the public, as it's not considered safe.
Fire and Emergency incident controller Mark Mawhinney reminded all hunters in the vicinity of Awarua Bay and Waituna Lagoon to be careful due to fire risks.
"Members of the public are not permitted to enter the fire ground as it's still not considered safe" he said.
It's the last weekend for duck shooters to claim their maimai spot.
Awarua-Waituna is one of New Zealand's largest remaining coastal wetland systems, and a popular location with duck hunters.