University debating society 'does not condone egg-based violence' after Auckland mayoral candidates pelted

4:40 pm on 27 July 2022

Two Auckland mayoral candidates were hit with eggs during a heated debate at the University of Auckland last night.

Generic eggs in cartons

Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly

Ted Johnston was hit after an exchange with audience members he dubbed "Team Efeso", referring to mayoral hopeful Efeso Collins.

A second egg missed Johnston, instead hitting fellow candidate Craig Lord.

2022 Auckland mayoralty contender Craig Lord

2022 Auckland mayoralty candidate Craig Lord Photo: Supplied/Craig Lord

Lord said you could never be sure what you would get at a university debate.

The first egg clipped Johnston's shoulder, splattering against the wall, while the second hit him full on, he said.

"Obviously someone made the concerted effort to bring eggs to a debate to use ... I guess he was just deciding on an opportunity to throw them and found it."

Johnston said that while it should not have happened, he was glad it was just an egg. He wished the perpetrator had used words rather than acting as they did.

New Conservative Party co-leader and 2022 Auckland mayoralty contender Ted Johnston.

New Conservative Party co-leader, barrister and 2022 Auckland mayoralty contender Ted Johnston. Photo: Supplied/ New Conservative

"It does get rowdy, but it's a bit over the top."

The egging was not serious, Johnston said.

The University of Auckland Debating Society posted on social media that they did not condone the use of "egg-based violence" against others.

Treasurer and event organiser Joshua Sampson said they weren't sure how to react after the egging.

They were considering how to prevent similar situations in future debates.

"We want to give people the platform for debate and [to] call out dumb ideas, if they're out there, through debate. That's why we exist as a society."

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