29 Jul 2022

NZME Radio apologises to Clarke Gayford after airing 'rumours' and 'baseless lies'

3:45 pm on 29 July 2022

The media company NZME Radio has apologised to Clarke Gayford, partner of the prime minister, and paid him an undisclosed sum, after it aired comments about him being the subject of criminal charges which it now accepts as untrue.

Clarke Gayford in Gisborne - Labour Party campaigning

Clarke Gayford Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas

In a statement he said the comments, aired on the KICK Fresh Music Friday podcast back in March, were "based on rumours" about him that are "baseless lies".

There were also statements made about Gayford published on KICK social media pages which he said were "damaging and untrue".

NZME Radio apologised for the comments and "the hurt and distress they have caused".

It also accepted he had never been the subject of criminal charges and was not now the subject of criminal charges in any court in New Zealand.

The statement said as part of the settlement, NZME Radio agreed to pay a confidential sum to Gayford.

Gayford said he would be making no further comment.

NZME Radio said it has nothing further to add.

The online version of the podcast has been removed.