More than a third of boaties do not wear a lifejacket while out on the water Photo:
Over the last two weeks four people have drowned in recreational water craft incidents and summer has not even started.
That's led to a warning from Maritime NZ about the importance of wearing lifejackets.
Last year 22 people died in incidents involving a variety of recreational marine craft.
Maritime NZ spokesperson Victoria Slade said tragically 10 of them were not wearing a lifejacket, despite having one available to them.
Recent research shows more than a third of boaties didn't bother to wear lifejackets every time they went out on the water, Slade said.
Those who wore lifejackets on the water were more likely to survive if something went wrong, she said.
It was vital to have one suitable, fitted lifejacket for everyone on board, including children, she said.
Maritime NZ joined forces with the NZ Search and Rescue Council and Safer Boating Forum to commission Consumer NZ to undertake independent reviews of both lifejackets and beacons for people taking to the water and the bush.
Those product reviews are now available online