28 Jun 2023

Feilding's morning mystery: 'An explosion in the sky'

7:03 pm on 28 June 2023

A mystery explosion in the sky above the Manawatū town of Feilding this morning gave many residents a frightening wake up call.

Kath Hopping's home security camera captured the moment when the suspected meteor flashed across the sky at about 6:50am.

"I thought it sounded like a car's gas tank exploding. It was very loud, it shook the house, the LPG bottles clanged together. It was quite a resounding boom," Hopping said.

She was just getting ready to go on her morning run when it happened and immediately raced to check the security cameras.

A residential street with a very bright light in the sky in the right hand corner.

Kath Hopping captured this image on her home security camera as a bright light lit up the sky. Photo: Supplied / Kath Hopping

The one at the rear of the property showed nothing, but the one facing the front caught the full action, "an explosion in the sky".

Since sharing the footage on her local community Facebook page, she has been inundated with messages from other residents who were woken by the sound.

"Heaps of people said they thought a car had hit their house, or something had landed on their roof."

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