There is now a total ban on outdoor fires for parts of Marlborough. Photo: 123RF
A ban on outdoor fires has been put in place for parts of Marlborough from Wednesday.
A prohibited fire season came into place for the Marlborough South zone at 8am on Wednesday 10 January until further notice.
The ban will also suspend any previously granted outdoor fire permits.
Declaring the prohibited season, Fire and Emergency's Marlborough group manager Chris Hayles said there was a very high fire danger due to the hot dry weather.
"Fires will start and spread very easily and could be extremely difficult to contain," he said in a statement.
The public should check any old fires to ensure they are fully extinguished, he said.
"Rake the area out and apply water.
"There is a lot more dry material around than last year. Avoid any activity that is heat producing in dry areas, for example welding, grinding, or parking vehicles in long dry grass."
The Marlborough South zone encompasses all land in the Marlborough District to the south of the Wairau River, including the flat land from the Eastern side of State Highway 1 from Tuamarina to Rarangi. It also includes Department of Conservation land.
Anyone who wants to check whether their property sits within the southern zone can do so by visiting the [ checkitsalright website] and entering their address.