24 Jun 2024

Fog at Auckland Airport delays, cancels flights

10:23 am on 24 June 2024
Fog restrictions were imposed at 2.45am and have been lifted but then imposed again several times.

File photo. Some regional fights were delayed by fog but main trunk domestic flights and international flights were unaffected. Photo: RNZ / Jessie Chiang

Heavy fog in Auckland is delaying flights and affecting ferry services, and MetService says the low cloud will take a while to clear.

Auckland Airport said about 30 domestic regional flights had been cancelled and 27 domestic regional flights had been delayed.

Fog restrictions were still in place at Auckland Airport after sunrise as low cloud blanketed parts of the city.

One flight to Christchurch and another to Wellington have also been affected by the fog.

Domestic flights to Dunedin and Queenstown have not been affected, nor have any international flights.

Passengers were urged to check the airport's website for latest arrival and departure information.

Ferry services were affected by the heavy fog, with a number delayed for up to 30 minutes, and two services cancelled - the 7am Gulf Harbour to Downtown and the earlier Downtown to Beach Haven.

MetService said a combination of light winds and the sun being very low in the sky would mean the fog would take a while to clear, but it is forecasting the fog to lift by this afternoon.