20 Mar 2014

Vodafone wants bill amended

3:29 pm on 20 March 2014

Vodafone has told a parliamentary committee the company could lose money because the wording of a bill to combat cyber bullying leaves it exposed.

Vodafone head of sustainability Abbie Reynolds appeared before the Justice and Electoral Select Committee which is considering the Harmful Digital Communications Act.

She told MPs Vodafone could end up being liable because of content posted by users of its internet service.

Ms Reynolds says Vodafone should not be responsible for incidents where its customers use websites hosted by Vodafone for potentially abusive or controversial content.

"We'd really encourage you to limit the definition of online content host so you really are focused on the situations where the organisations with the very direct control of the material are the ones being targeted."

Ms Reynolds says if MPs decide not to do that, then Vodafone would like the bill amended to include ways for it to recover costs from offending customers.