More money to cut class sizes and hospital waiting lists, help for young people out of work, and a solution for Auckland's soaring housing prices and rising rents - those are just some of the things on people's wishlist for the Budget.
A lunchtime crowd in downtown Auckland said more should be spent on early childhood education, helping solo mothers and poor families.
A tertiary education worker, Gary, said there should be better structures for finding unemployed people jobs.
Building apprentice Tom said the government should focus more on helping young people get into the workforce from high school.
"More on getting into the workforce and getting into a career straight away rather than spending too much time at university, racking up a big student loan.
"Getting into the workforce is like jumping into life straight out of school."
Many people spoken to by RNZ News said they wanted to see more money for healthcare. Photo: 123RF
Film and television worker Borni said the arts had been stripped of funding in recent years and deserved a boost.
He said he worked with marginalised communities and used the arts to empower people and get them away from the streets.
"Funding is very difficult for every layer of the arts."
Many people told RNZ they wanted to see more money for healthcare.
One man said he wanted extra funds to reduce waiting lists because he had seen too many people die while waiting for treatment.
Another said the government should devise a healthcare plan for older people because they were a big drain on funding.
In Christchurch, Robert said the focus should be on providing decent housing for families, while Clarissa said students with young children needed more help.
"I'm studying and I can't seem to get any help for my daughter's daycare so I've had to cut down on my classes because I can't put her (into daycare) everyday because it can get expensive."
And Adam, who is homeless, wanted to see more money for beneficiaries.
"I only get $130 on my benefit. It would be really good if the politicians, the government could help do something to give us a place to stay or some more money."
A teacher aide works with special needs students at Newmarket School in Auckland. Photo: RNZ / John Gerritsen
Many in Wellington said children and young people should have priority with extra money for education and finding jobs.
One woman said people on middle incomes should get a boost because they propped up the country.
A lot of people had nothing to say about the budget.