After weeks of negotiation and speculation, Winston Peters announced today NZ First prefers a coalition with the Labour Party. RNZ rounds up the best social media reactions to his announcement.
Waiting journalists hope to get a second with NZ First leader Winston Peters. Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller
Winston Peters has announced that he will form a coalition government with the Labour party.
Check out a recap of how we got here, find out what you need to know, and look back on RNZ's live coverage
The announcement, which was streamed live on the NZ First leader's Facebook page, came after a long day's wait by both media and the public that saw the anticipation reach boiling point on social media:
We've waited so damn long for #decision17 now I hope @winstonpeters makes it like a gender reveal party where he cuts a cake - blue it's National and red it's Labour
— Christine Mowbray (@c_mowbray) October 19, 2017
We've waited so damn long for #decision17 now I hope @winstonpeters makes it like a gender reveal party where he cuts a cake - blue it's National and red it's Labour
— Christine Mowbray (@c_mowbray) October 19, 2017
I mean this is getting ridiculous now @winstonpeters
— Alex (@AJ_TayTay) October 19, 2017
When Winston said 'by sunset' was he actually in antartica where sunset is in like 6 months or some shit? #decision17
— nic wood (@doowcin) October 19, 2017
Hurry up @winstonpeters
— ً (@sinhoseoks) October 19, 2017
Immediately after the long-awaited reveal, during which Mr Peters also dropped reference to rockers The Rolling Stones, supporters of Jacinda Ardern and the Labour party started rejoicing wildly online in a time-honoured meme-heavy fashion:
Holy shit! #nzpol
— Rachel Baker (@RachelBkr) October 19, 2017
Me, right now. #nzpol
— ElizaBOO!! (@irihapeta) October 19, 2017
All Hail the Queen! @jacindaardern #decision17
— t j . m a t a g i (@tjmatagi) October 19, 2017
Is WINCINDA the new Brangelina? Congratulations Jacinda & Winston. It was time NZ moved back towards the left! #nzpol #nz #decision17
— Brendon Moir (@BrendonMoir) October 19, 2017
And while there wasn't as many negative reactions on Twitter to the announcement, those hoping for a different outcome expressed their bitter disappointment - although many of them are too rude to share here. But here's a selection of those aren't:
Congrats NZ. Backwards you go just like OZ did from 2009 with labour & Rudd. We’ve never recovered #nzpol
— Cam Bird (@Cameron__Bird) October 19, 2017
Moved back home from China 3 years ago but now I think I might go back cos Jacinda and Winston gonna fuck things up bad lmao #Decision17
— James Halcrow (@JamesHalcrow) October 19, 2017
Three press conferences tonight to hear from the new government of NZ!! Gees I'm soooo looking forward to this circus for next 3yrs #nzpol
— Glenn Stevenson (@GlennoNZ) October 19, 2017
I'm just glad the Greens are the soggy teabag in this lukewarm, decaf brew of a government #decision17
— Ryan Virtue (@ryanvirtueNZ) October 19, 2017
NZ now faces a big-spending, tax-anything-that-moves, 1970s-protectionist, red-tape-loving Government.
— ACT Party (@actparty) October 19, 2017
And as always, Twitter provided a payload of humorous commentary on the decision:
How many babies will be named after Jacinda this year?! #nzpol
— Karen Foreman-Brown (@serenity22) October 19, 2017
BREAKING: Mike Hosking has just self-destructed. #nzpol #winstonpeters
— Glenn (@flippikat) October 19, 2017
#nzpol #Decision17 Labour Govt on Labour Weekend
— alex (@4lexNZ) October 19, 2017
Let’s be honest, this was the election clincher and National were never going to recover #decision17
— Adrian with a W (@AdrianwithaW) October 19, 2017
/r/newealand Discord on point #decision17
— Obert Ye (@heyitsobertye) October 19, 2017
sneak peek of bill's dinner tonight #decision17
— josie!! (@ronanIynchh) October 19, 2017
Hey @pmbillenglish #Nzpol
— Sally (@LOLGASMS) October 19, 2017