13 May 2020

Watch live: Epidemic Response Committee discusses finance and the economy

10:13 am on 13 May 2020

Today's Epidemic Response Committee meeting will focus on finance and the economy.

Watch the meeting here at 10am:

The Reserve Bank will release its latest monetary policy statement this afternoon, with a touch of clamour in financial markets for a signal on whether it will move to negative interest rates.

The central bank has been at the forefront of measures to support the economy, banks, and markets during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking at today's meeting will be Cameron Bagrie, managing director of Bagrie Economics and a former chief economist at ANZ bank, Rahui Papa of the National Iwi Chairs Forum, PwC tax partner Geof Nightingale, independent economist Michael Reddell, Ian Harrison principal of Tailrisk Economics and Finance Minister Grant Robertson.

Yesterday MPs grilled Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis at the Epidemic Response Committee meeting, questioning why support for the tourism sector had not come sooner.

More to come...

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